Frequently Asked Questions

I’ve never heard of internal conflict resolution. What is that exactly?

Great question! I hear this sometimes from clients who are new to the work that I do, and I like to refer to internal conflicts as the “wear and tear of life.” It’s the negative emotions, life events, outdated programs and unhelpful thought patterns that limit us and keep us from spreading our wings.

We weren’t born with any of these.

We develop them as we go through life.

And all 7 billion of us on the planet have them!

The effect of unresolved internal conflicts in our lives is very negative. Internal conflicts limit us and keep us from feeling, doing or being what we want.

Have you ever felt like you know you have it in you to do more and be more, but there seems to be something getting in the way? Something on the inside that’s stopping you from moving forward?

Those are the internal conflicts that have built up through the years, and have not been resolved.

That can be so frustrating!

BUT … as and when you resolve the internal conflicts, you release the internal limitations. You can spread your wings. You’re free to access your full potential.

The work that I do as an Internal conflict Resolution Expert is to help you to release those internal limitations so that you can feel, do or be what you want.

Internal Conflict Resolution is easy, effective and gets to the heart of the matter!

Will it work for me?
Absolutely – if you’re ready for change and are ready to do the work! There’s no reason why it won’t work for you if you’re willing and ready. Even though my name may remind you of a “wand”, I don’t work with magic wands. There are no quick fixes when it comes to change work. If there were, the pharmaceutical companies would have patented this a long time ago. There are no magic wands to wave. You must be willing to do the work. If you are, this will 100% work for you. And you’re not alone on this journey. You have access to a system that works, a community that is supportive and a guide who has walked down a similar path, and guided countless others along that path, too.
I’ve tried therapy, it didn’t work. Why is your method better for me than Psychotherapy or other forms of therapy?

I get asked that all the time by my clients who come to see me when they’ve literally tried it all, are at the end of their tether and about to give up. Even though the benefits of my system are highly therapeutic, this is not therapy in the traditional sense.

This is what makes it different:

  1. We don’t keep talking about the problem and revisiting what’s not working in your life. IT IS NOT PROBLEM-FOCUSED.
  2. My system is very outcome-based. We define where you are and where you want to go and then we design a plan to make that happen. IT IS A SOLUTION-FOCUSED APPROACH.
  3. The approach is holistic and integrative. We work with all levels of mind, we work with the body, the nervous system and lifestyle factors as well. The problem has probably affected so many areas of your life – the way you feel, the way you think, your habits, lifestyle, stress levels and nervous system regulation. As a result, the solution has to be holistic and comprehensive.
What kind of clients do you work with mostly?
I work with busy professionals – both women and men. They lead full, active lives and yet they feel stuck and unhappy. Life isn’t going the way they want it to. They’re tense, wound up, and they can’t relax. Their sleep is erratic, they’re tired a lot of the time and their mind never stops. They’ve tried everything but nothing has worked. They know there’s more to life, they feel frustrated that they can’t tap into their full potential. They want change, they’re ready for change, yet they don’t where to go and how to get started,
It’s hard for me to stop my mind. Will this still help me?
I get asked about the busy mind all the time!! It’s not just you that finds it hard to stop the mind, it’s all 7 billion people on the planet. It’s not you, it’s your brain. Your brain is a thought generator. The human brain is designed to generate thoughts. And most of the thoughts are negative and repetitive. It can really drain you. You want it to stop, but it seems the harder you try, the harder it gets. Trying to stop the mind is not realistic. I teach my clients how to MANAGE the mind instead. In particular how to manage the negativity bias, which is the bit that keeps you stuck in perpetual states of negativity and stress. My proprietary system teaches simple, easy and effective practices to keep the negativity bias in check. Practices that will serve you for life!
Which package is right for me?
My wellbeing programs range from one-off sessions, afternoon workshops, full-day retreats to 6-week courses, and longer mentoring relationships. We’ll chat about what you want to achieve in our initial consultation, and go from there!
What’s the best way to get started?
Click the button below to book a Complimentary Discovery Session with me. We can discuss what’s going on for you, what you’d like to achieve and then work out a plan to get you there.
What modalities do you work with primarily?
My approach is wide-ranging and holistic. It has to be! If you’re serious about moving from internal conflict to full potential, we need to address not only the internal conflicts, limiting beliefs and subconscious programs but also the somatic mind in the body (“issues in the tissues”) and to reprogram the stress response. For this reason, I have developed from many years of research (and me-search) a suite of powerful techniques to meet the whole person rather than a one-dimensional therapy practice focusing on a single area only. I have listed my qualifications below. That will give you an idea of the modalities which I draw from.
What are your qualifications?
  • Master of Education, East Carolina University, North Carolina, USA
  • Bachelor of Education, Concordia University, Montreal, Canada
  • Bachelor of Arts in Sociology, Concordia University, Montreal, Canada
  • Master NLP Practitioner,  Certified by the American Board of Neurolinguisitc Programming
  • Master NLP Coach, Certified by the American Board of Neurolinguisitc Programming
  • Master Timeline Therapy Practitioner, Certified by the Timeline Therapy Association
  • Master Hypnotherapist, Certified by the American Board of Hypnotherapy
  • Registered Clinical Hypnotherapist, Registered by Hypnosis New Zealand
  • Certified Yoga Instructor (900-Hour Teacher Training)
  • Certified Practitioner in OldPain2Go®
  • Certified Practitioner in DrainThatPain®
  • iRest® Level 1 Teacher
  • Yoga Nidra Level 3 Teacher

Not to mention, a lifetime of personal experience with inner conflicts and first-hand experience in resolving them!

How long will it take before I notice a difference?

Of course, this will depend on many individual factors. However, because the program addresses the root causes of issues deep in the subconscious, you can expect to see and feel changes soon after beginning the work. One thing is for sure – it will be much faster and more effective to work with an expert professional and a proven system, than to try and figure it out and implement it on your own. A mentor helps you fast track your results and saves you time, frustration and mistakes.



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Do you offer a Money-Back-Guarantee?

Refunds of fees for services provided are not offered by therapeutic practitioners in New Zealand. What I do guarantee is 100% of my commitment, expertise and goodwill, and ask that you do the same. In the time that I’ve been doing this work with busy professionals, I have never once been approached for a refund. Client Satisfaction is exemplary, and I pride myself on the consistent 5-star ratings we receive from clients.

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Faye Lawand
