Faye Lawand

Free yourself from the
constant heaviness & turmoil

Feel like yourself again.

You are mentally, physically and emotionally exhausted.
You have tried everything with little or no result.

Do you want to change that?

Internationally Trusted Internal Conflict Resolution Expert

I bring back life’s ease and excitement for the professional woman who’s had it (almost) burned out, by harnessing the magic of the subconscious mind and nervous system to banish chronic stress, anxiety and fatigue.

Tried every hack, app, therapy and pill, but nothings’s ever fully worked?

I’ve been there.

I was born into chaos and strife, burned out 3 times in a row, and battled with chronic conditions most of my life. But when the traditional solutions failed me, I sought out my own. And now, my mission is to help you find peace as well, because I firmly believe that when we’re all living the life we want, we can build a kinder, happier world.

It’s not your job.

Or your to-do list.

Or the early morning emails and late night Zoom calls that are causing you to feel overwhelmed.

Juggling the demands of our busy lives is challenging but the root causes of burnout and overwhelm are usually more complicated.

The real reasons for burnout are buried deep underneath the surface.

If you don’t deal with the symptoms of burnout, it can lead to a complete breakdown.

Your health, relationships, career and self-worth all suffer. There’s nothing positive left in your life. It’s all burned. It’s all gone.

That kind of burnout is very different to how some people use the word.

You often hear people say on a Friday afternoon: ‘I feel so burnt out this week.’

They might have had a rough week, or a few late nights, or they might just be hung over.

But there’s a difference between that kind of burnout and chronic burnout.

Just like there’s a difference between stress and chronic stress, pain and chronic pain.

You can be totally worn out after a really busy week or after a really busy few months.

Faye - yoga-1

But burnout comes from a prolonged period of depleting, stressful, anxiety provoking situations stemming from unresolved conflicts.

The problem is not the conflict.

The problem is failing to address and resolve the conflict which leads to an unregulated stress response.

That’s when things start to break down.

Say for example you have a fight with your partner. That may lead to ongoing tension in your relationship but the problem isn’t the fight itself because people tend to fight over the most trivial things. The problem is the fallout from the fight that remains unresolved. Does that make sense?

Conflict means different things to different people. My conflict stems from my childhood, but other people’s conflicts are caused by relationships (personal or professional), stress, and unresolved traumas from the past.

Nobody can change their past but you can change the story you tell yourself to reboot your nervous system. Resetting the nervous system is the final step in The Tiredness Solution


“It’s a life-changing moment for me to sleep through the night, and not have any nightmares. It’s major. I’m so relieved that I can live life with normality and not have to struggle with low energy.”

Tamsin Rhodes, Interior Designer

“I was having issues with chronic pain as well as a lot of anxiety and stress. Our sessions clearly helped me let these things go. I’m now feeling calmer, more present and much more confident and at peace with myself.”

Kerryanne Nelson, General Manager

“My anxiety is next to nothing at the moment and my mind is clear, I feel much more present, I can focus on one thing instead of trying to have a conversation while my brain is doing 45 different other crazy things!”

Anna Leask, Journalist

“Working with Faye has exceeded my expectations and has been truly transformational. I expected to learn some new techniques to manage my stress filled life. What I came away with was a genuine understanding of the internal conflicts constantly going on inside me, that were the real reason for why I felt the way I did. Once I began to put this into practice I was able to change my response for a much better outcome. If you genuinely want to live a less stressful life, I highly recommend this work to you.”

Ellen Place, Team Leader + Marketing Strategist

“This has honestly been the best decision I have made for myself. My stress, anxiety and depression are all a thing of the past!”

Lindsay Gough, TV Producer

“I’ve been more relaxed, I’ve had more energy and have been sleeping much more soundly!”

Kristen Danielle Wonch, Owner of The Workshop Auckland

“I’m a leading expert in the art and science of relaxation, and the Founder of
The Tiredness Solution”

The Tiredness Solution is the culmination of a 15-year enquiry into what it takes to be well, happy and healthy in the fast-paced modern world. I have tested and experimented with lots of different modalities and therapies. I coded what worked into a simple, step by step system that takes burnt out professionals suffering from stress, despair and fatigue to feeling calm, confident, healthy and happy.

It’s a holistic approach because burnout and overwhelm affect every part of our lives. To beat burnout, you need a solution that supports the body, mind, nervous system, and emotions. You need a solution you can integrate into your lifestyle and that enables you to build long lasting habits. Finally, you need someone to hold you accountable. I’ve worked as an educator, coach and mentor for over 20 years. Mentorship, training, coaching and accountability are second nature to me.

I provide a unique, customised, evidence-based solution that will save you years of frustration and take you from where you are to where you want to be.
This isn’t just theory or a stab in the dark.
These tools and techniques work.

Why I Do It

In my previous career as a teacher, my students struggled to pronounce my surname. So I told them to think of a magic wand. Lawand rhymes with ‘wand’ and I like to think there’s a little bit of magic involved in what I do.

We still know so little about the subconscious mind and the nervous system, but I know from experience that if you change your mind, you have the ability to create magic in your life.

When you suffer from burnout and overwhelm, there’s an absence of magic and possibility in your life.

Resolving your internal conflicts can be transformational.

I know because I’ve been through it. Not just one time!

As I learned to heal myself, I started talking about what worked and what didn’t with colleagues and friends. I’m a teacher so the urge to share what I know and to empower other people has always been a part of who I am.

I started running workshops and the feedback I got convinced me there was a real need to help others through their burnout.

Many of the clients I’ve worked with have tried it all — psychologists, counselors, therapists, acupuncture, naturopaths, herbalists, and medication. People try a little bit of this and a little bit of that but none of it seems to work. Or it works for a short while but the symptoms return. That was my experience too.

Since I started on my healing journey 15 years ago, I’ve studied Yoga, Daoism, Clinical Hypnotherapy, Mindfulness, Neuroscience, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Yoga Nidra, iRest, Neurolinguistic Programming, timeline Therapy and aromatherapy. I’ve spent close to $200,000 on training and certifications. I learned and observed and applied what I learned to my own life and coded everything that worked into my proprietary Tiredness Solution

Life is hard enough without carrying unresolved conflicts on the inside.

Stressed out professionals on the brink of burnout or who have already suffered from burnout affect everyone around them. It impacts on their relationships, their workmates, their families and their kids.

If you’re hurting inside, you’re usually hurting other people as well.

When you resolve the conflicts that cause pain, the spillover effects into the rest of your life are quite magical.

It doesn’t have to be a long drawn-out process either.

It took me 15 years to figure it out.

Don’t wait that long to resolve your internal conflicts.



The Tiredness Solution is the 8-step formula I use to bring back the joy, calmness and motivation my clients have lost to chronic stress, fatigue, anxiety, depression and insomnia. We do this by dispelling the internal conflicts driving your breakdown from the realm of the subconscious mind and nervous system.

Why The Tiredness Solution?

The reason nothing works for you is because you’re trying to fix the cracks as they appear, instead of dispelling the underlying traumas and internal conflicts creating those cracks in the first place.

When you remove the internal conflicts limiting you, you put a stop to the cracks, and your mind and body can finally heal. When you address all aspects of your mind, body and lifestyle, you can end the chronic stress for good.

That’s why The Tiredness Solution takes an integrative approach. We not only address your subconscious, but your mind, your body, your nervous system and every single way stress, anxiety or fatigue manifests in your life, to produce consistent long-term results.


responsibility for change


internal conflicts


tensions from the physical body

Get rid of

chronic stress


internal resources


the negativity bias


rapport with the subconscious


the nervous system

Faye Lawand

Everyone has a why. This is mine!

I believe in people. I believe in the abundance of our human potential, and I believe in the goodness and beauty of life.

As we release the limitations that block our potential, we can begin to live a life that is beautiful, satisfying and fulfilling.

Just like conflict can be contagious and breed more conflict, the same is true for calm and confidence. As each of us experiences calmer and wellbeing in our lives, that too can spread and reach those who come in contact with us.

And that individual sense of calm, confidence and wellbeing will breed more of the same.

As John Lennon famously wrote, “imagine all the people, livin’ life in peace”.

Can you imagine what a world of calm, confident, happy people might look like?
Faye Lawand

Get in touch

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Faye Lawand
